HVAC Tips for August

August 16, 2021
Mid-August in Memphis means one thing: heat! Although fall is just around the corner, we have many weeks of soaring temperatures to face before we get a little relief. It’s almost impossible to survive the summertime in the South without air conditioning, so make sure your home is cool and comfortable with these HVAC tips for August.
Don't let the delta variant of COVID-19 invade your home. The REME Halo is the perfect way to keep your home free from viruses, bacteria, pollen, and more! Give us a call at 901-362-1881 to learn more.
Is your air conditioner smelling strange after a long summer of hard work? Find out what odors are normal and when to get expert help in this article from Trane.
Your HVAC system needs a clean air filter for optimal performance and to circulate clean air throughout your home. In this great article from This Old House, learn more about the importance of changing your filters, and learn a few tips!
Check your floor vents and registers to be sure they are clear from blockage. As you check them, consider cleaning them as well. Registers and floor vents can become clogged with dust, dirt, and hair -- which not only cause irritation and allergies but may affect your HVAC performance.
Clear debris from your outdoor unit. Summer storms, mowing the lawn, and dust can cause buildup on your HVAC unit and cause airflow issues. Use a brush or vacuum to be thorough.
To give your HVAC system a bit of a break, close your blinds and shades during the hottest part of the day and use ceiling fans.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but August is a great time to schedule preventative maintenance on your furnace. You’ll be happy you did when the temperatures drop.