Prepare Your Home for Winter.

November 15, 2021
Fall is the perfect time to prepare your home for winter! The worst time to find out you have a problem with your heating system is when cold weather hits in full.
Winter is flu season, and COVID-19 is still a major concern. Set your mind at rest by installing a REME Halo indoor air purifier; it protects against 99.9% of viruses.
Before Jack Frost makes a visit, turn on your furnace at least three times to make sure it is in tip-top condition. If you are due for seasonal maintenance, give us a call at 901-362-1881 to schedule an appointment. If you are unsure about when you need maintenance, check out this handy Preventative Maintenance Checklist from Trane.
Two common culprits of an HVAC breakdown are dust and dirt that collect in the filtering system. Changing your air filter and cleaning your vents keep your home dust-free and prevent ventilation blockages. Curious about how your household air filter compares to others? Visit this link to discover the best filter for you!
One area that often gets overlooked for cold weather preparation is a detached garage. Brown offers garage heaters to keep your noses and toes warmer as you leave for work, school, or errands -- and helps get your vehicles running quickly, too. We have a selection of electric and gas heating units so you can find the one that suits your specific needs.
An important component to an efficiently heated home, insulation is key to keeping your home toasty this winter. A HVAC professional can tell if your insulation has deteriorated or if it is time to add additional insulation. Be sure to check weather strips on doors and windows, too.
With a little advance planning, you can enjoy the colder weather from a warm and comfortable home!