Air Conditioner - No Cooling

- On your thermostat, check the settings. Confirm that the temperature control selector is set to be cooler than the current room temperature. See also if the system switch is set on the COOL or AUTO position. Switch the fan swich to ON for continuous airflow, or set it to AUTO if you want the blower to function only when the air conditioner is operating
- Try to get the air conditioner to turn on by lowering the thermostat to its lowest temperature setting.
- An excessively filthy air filter blocks air flow, so check the air flow out of your registers if it seems low.
- Check if all registers are open and un-obstructed.
- Inspect the power disconnect switch by each unit (outdoor and indoor).
- Take a look at the fuse/breaker of both the outdoor and indoor unit's electrical panel.
- If the issue still persists, call our office right away